> > It is NOT the practice of taking that
> > direction. NOT THE PRACTICE. It is the
> > nature of the mind to move in a direction
> > of greater happiness. The practice is not
> > needed to reach the goal.
> >
yifuxero wrote:
> This is a form of Neo-Advaitinism, not the 
> Marshy's teachings.
Shankara, the teacher of Adwaita, seems to 
agree with the Marshy. Apparently Shankara did 
NOT advocate any yoga practice in order to 
obtain 'moksha'.

So, enlightenment depends SOLELY upon 
discriminative knowledge of the true nature of 
things. There is NEVER a random combination of 
events, rather there is order, regulation, 
systematic division of function. 

The Mahatattva, a term which means 'Cosmic 
Intelligence', understood in the sense of a 
capacity to expand, reveal, and ascertain. 

So, it is NOT the yoga which produces the 
enlightened state. 

True evolution, according to Shankara, exists 
ONLY in the transformation of cosmic conciousness, 
and that the manifestations of the physical and 
biological world, are only the illusory 
modifications of five gross elements.

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