--Willytex, this is most interesting!  But isn't there a downside? 
(I'll let you answer for yourself): you won't be able to teach this 
as a route to Unity.  It's like making a pact before incarnating, 
something like 
"OK, I'm getting close to Unity and need one final stimulus.  
Practicing TM for decades won't do so I'll take the schrooms saving 
me the Sadhana. That will get be there quicker".
 Your Neo-Advaitin admonitions such as "Just Be" don't hold much 
water in the face of your own experience.  
 I don't see how people can teach others something different than 
what they experienced themselves.
 To be consistent, shouldn't you go around promoting shroom 
ingestion?  Could be the modern-day Soma and you could be the Leary-
like pied piper of the 21st century!

The name is associated with the Faust legend of a scholar who wagers 
his soul against the devil being able to make Faust wish to live, 
even for a moment, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust.

The name appears in the late 16th century Faust chapbooks. In the 
1725 version which was read by Goethe, Mephostophiles is a devil in 
the form of a greyfriar summoned by Faust in a wood outside 
Wittenberg. The name Mephistophiles already appears in the 1527 
Praxis Magia Faustiana, printed in Passau, alongside pseudo-Hebrew 
text. It is best explained as a purposely obscure pseudo-Greek or 
pseudo-Hebrew formation of Renaissance magic

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
<willy...@...> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > 
> > * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
> > associate with a person having subjective experiences 
> > of a spiritual nature...
> > 
> Years ago I posted to Usenet several comments describing 
> my experience searching for the mysterious and legendary 
> substance, the so-called 'magic' mushroom, mentioned by 
> Carlos Casteneda in his great book about don Juan, 'A 
> Yaqui Way of Knowledge'.
> "In late 1971 I went down to Mexico with Carlos Casteneda 
> and Oscar Ichazo, whom I had met at Esalen, but we didn't 
> find any magic mushrooms growing in the wild. 
> However, at a party someone, probably don Juan, gave me 
> a taco to eat that was laced with 'fly agaric'. When I 
> found out I almost gagged on the spot. D'oh! I've always 
> been a Cactus man, chased with Tequila. 
> Anyway, although I spit out the offending fungus right 
> away, it was too late; the psychoactive ingredients were 
> already taking their effect on me: to alter my very state 
> of conciousness.
> Suddenly, I transcended and I saw and experienced the 
> entire cosmos as a Divine Bi-Unity, inter-related, just 
> like the Net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all 
> inter-connected and I became enlightened on the spot. 
> Then, standing right in front of me, appeared the 
> Creator God of Volcanos and His wife, the beautiful 
> Wisdom Sophia, their son Baal, and their daughter Ashley. 
> I realized that existence, is, in Reality, a great big 
> family affair!"
> Read more: 
> A preliminary, annotated hagiography of past gleaning 
> positioning endeavors, with some appended statements: 
> 'The Confessions of a Taco Eater' 
> http://www.rwilliams.us/archives/confessions.htm

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