> > Psilocybin research fits pretty well.
> >
uns wrote:
> "What if..." enquiry should have included
> the message "...without turning the subject 
> into a deluded acid head".
Some western people just can't deal with the 
idea of people getting spiritual by ingesting 
plant substances like the ancient Vedic Aryans 

There's a deep-seated prejudice in America 
against ritual trance-induction, unless its 
alcohol induced. In our western society some 
people have gotten to the point where otherwise 
decent, honest people resort to rank hypocrisy 
when even discussing the subject.

Seratonin is generated in the brain during TM 
practice, so there's no need to procure illegal 
chemicals. Maharishi has made a complete program 
available with hundreds of organic substances 
and potions available for self medication. 

He's got more potions that Carter had 'Little 
Liver Pills'!

Among the brain's many jobs is to be your own 
chemist. The brain produces more than 50 
identified active drugs. Some of these are 
associated with memory, others with intelligence, 
still others are sedatives. Endorphin is the 
brain's painkiller, and it is 3 times more 
potent than morphine. More than 100,000 chemical 
reactions go on in your brain every second! 

Read more: 

Subject: No, Im not on Soma!
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Thurs, Jun 24 2004 11:23 pm

Subject: TM Caused My Wife to Have Panic Attacks!
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2005 10:38 am

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