Turq...you have it all backwards.
The more neurons firing in the brain is associated with more 
When you are in deep sleep, you have fewer neurons firing.
When you are awake less than 20% of your neurons are firing.
When you are in those moments of rare awareness that everyone 
naturally experiences a few times in their lives, no matter who, then 
you have MUCH more neurons firing in your brain.

When you die, almost all the neurons in your brain fire all at once, 
more than at any other time.
Therefore, based on previous statements of established fact above, 
you are experienceing THE MOST PERCEPTIVE instant in your life.....at 
the point of death.

All those standing around your deathbed are in a time and space zone 
of MUCH lesser awareness & perception, and are saying "oh dear...he's 

Whereas, you, at the point of death, are in the MUCH higher awareness 
that is not subject to their time constraints, nor space contraints.

You are, at that point, immortal...meaning the point is an illusion, 
and you are unbounded and supremely eternal and perfect, whereas they 
are stuck in their point world of local time amd space. 
They think you are the one that is dead, but they in fact, are in a 
relatively fleeting existence of weak-neauronal stregth, whereas the 
truth that takes place in your brain at the point of death is that 
your consciousness experiences immortality. They (and you) will call 
that an illusion. To say that their limited view at that point is 
correct, and they say it is only an instant, and your experience of 
incredible bliss and eternity is wrong, is absurd, childish, 
irrational and naive. Time is known by sciece to be only a construct. 
The ignorant guide their lives by it. The point of death is an istant 
to the mortal, but to the dying person...it is perfect and unbounded 
in time and space. The latter is the supreior view according to 
science, which INSTISTS that the more neurons firing, the more 
perceptive and awake a person is.

I am not sure anyone on FFL can understand what I just said, but 
these are the facts, not some speculation bullshit that you guys are 
in the prison of discussing in this thread.

Try to understand what I said. I do not think you can, and if you do 
I will be surprised.

The illusion of chemicals affecting the brain is an illusion. The 
point of death proves this according to scientific observations. All 
the neurons fire at once...which would be the Holy Grail of any 
scientist if they could reproduce this in a living human. They 
cannot...not even close.

Try to go beyond your prejudices to see what I am saying. 
The point of death is not a point. It is only a chemical/neuronal 
point (like any other point in life) to those who are locked into the 

In reality, the person dying experiences all neurons firing at 
once... ALMOST TOTAL awarenes and perception of reality, compared to 
any other time in life. 

This latter is the reality, the other is illusion. 

The illusion-imprisoned people standing around your deathbed THINK 
that what they see - the body dying, etc - is the reality, but it is 

The neurons of your brain have already charted a different path for 
the dying man. His neurons have already CREATED a different and MORE 
COMPLETE universe. The others, due to their inferior neuronal 
activity as they watch you die....have a limited and less real and 
less powerful universe.

These are the functionings of the brain and the neurons, and until 
you can understand how ass-backward the view of death is in this age 
of "lack of understanding" and that it requires a rational analysis 
of the observations, then you will not understand that the chemical 
world IS an expression of the abstract being. Logic and science prove 
this without possible contradiction. You cannot contradict it in any 
rational manner. The more aware (fully wake, perceptive) you are, the 
more neurons are firing. The only time of life that almost all 
neurons fire is at the point of death...according to science.

You need to go beyond your brain-washing here, to understand that it 
is the EXACT opposite of what you suggested in your post.

Your brain-washing will deny the science and logic of this...but it 
will never be able to survive these established facts.

Try to suppress your ego and see what this means.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> * Activated the part of the brain that scientists now
> associate with a person having subjective experiences 
> of a spiritual nature?
> * Activated the part of the brain that causes us to see 
> everything around us in terms of Unity (as described so
> well by the female brain scientist who had a stroke)?
> * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
> were somehow "witnessing" your own thoughts and actions, 
> or were experiencing something you couldn't describe but
> felt to be "transcendent" at all times?
> * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
> were "in tune" with nature or with the will of God?
> * Chemically provided the subjective experience that you 
> "know" things, and that each of these things that you 
> "know," whether as a result of intuition or 'seeing' or 
> just opinion, were Absolute Truth, without any possi-
> bility of being false?
> * Chemically provided the subjective feeling that being 
> in your very presence was beneficial to other people, and 
> that you were somehow influencing them positively just by 
> being around them?
> What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
> it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 
> Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
> from what you consider "real" enlightenment?
> * *Every* experience of "enlightenment" in human history,
> no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
> more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
> activated and subjective experiences being provided 
> chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
> chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
> "spiritual" at all.)
> * "Enlightenment" were nothing more *than* these chemical
> changes in the brain and how we perceive them subjectively?
> * ALL of the dogma and mythology that has built up around
> "enlightenment" and the characteristics of the enlightened
> over the centuries was just people trying to come up with 
> some "story" to account for a purely chemical experience?
> It's just a "what if" question, posted to see who can have
> fun with it, and who it drives up the wall.  :-)

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