On Jan 20, 2009, at 5:55 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Plus, just looking at the definitions Card posts
here, words often have *more* than four or five
completely different meanings, right there in the
definitions he posts.

Well a lot of these are his presumptive meanings. I'm not sure that he is always certain how they really are meant to be translated. No offense intended to Card, but a lot of them are just his sharing his brainstorming process (which is interesting in and of itself) but not all of them hit their target.

Keep in mind all Sanskrit words are based on monosyllabic roots. Since each syllable can potentially have different meanings, essentially it's the perfectly crafted language for not just double entendre, as in English or European poetry, but for multiple entendre.

Interesting to me is "Enochian" the angelic language discovered by Queen Elizabeth I's personal astrologer, John Dee: it is remarkably similar to Sanskrit. It seems to me that Sanskrit is an anterior language to pure Dakini language. It very likely evolved out of a samadhic language and that's why it's been primarily preserved by the priest (Brahmin) caste of India.

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