---True - it's the Shakti (but not much of that in Spain).

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > TurquoiseB wrote:
> > > Another is the fact that many teachers really
> > > *did* feel a "buzz" from doing puja. I never 
> > > felt much of one, but some did, and they assoc-
> > > iate that buzz with magical thinking and feel
> > > that something about *their* buzz helped give
> > > their initiates a buzz, too.
> > 
> > That certainly explains a lot!  :-D
> It does, if you're not stuck in ego and the
> need to feel all "special." :-)
> > I always got a buzz from the puja which I associate with 
> > shakti but then I also had the kundalini rise the very first 
> > time I tried meditation ... 
> How special. :-)
> > from a book which I wouldn't recommend to anyone but for some 
> > reason it worked for me (and the results disorienting).  I 
> > stand by my assertion that the puja is used to get at least 
> > enough shakti going that the mantras would work regardless 
> > of who was teaching.  Otherwise it would have taken years to 
> > get a troupe of teachers going and spread TM.
> So you're saying, essentially, that it's the
> "specialness" of the teacher and their ability
> to generate "shakti" that makes the technique
> in question work, not the technique itself. 
> What an interestingly egocentric view. :-)
> > If you had some success teaching meditation to people without 
> > the puja then it is because a) you either got charged up enough 
> > that the mantras were charged anyway, b) that (most likely) the 
> > people you were teaching were spiritually oriented or had 
> > spiritual past that having them meditate on "toe cheese" 
> > would have worked.  
> Or c) that shakti has nothing whatsoever to do
> with it, and those who are convinced that it's
> what made *their* teaching or *their* initiation
> "special" are just longing to be special. :-)
> > And of course I'm not restricting this to mantra meditation 
> > either as you have said before you taught non mantra meditation.
> I understand. Gotta cover your stance's ass. It
> was because either I was "special" or the magical
> techniques I was teaching were "special." It 
> couldn't have *possibly* been because the tech-
> niques in question just *worked*, with no 
> "specialness" was needed, right?  :-)
> > It is probably not magical at all but some laws of physics and 
> > sound physics at work.  
> I would have said, "the techniques worked because
> they work, not because of any specialness bullshit," 
> but whatever floats your boat. :-)
> > As a tantric I am allowed to play around with mantras 
> > a bit 
> How "special" for you. Good thing you were 
> "allowed" to do this or the magic might have
> fried your gonads or something. :-)
> > ...and have noted the effects on different centers of the brain 
> > with different mantras and thus why these mantras can produce 
> > different physiological effects. Much of this has been documented 
> > in ayurveda.
> Of course not. Then you wouldn't be as "special." :-)
> > Of course you're in a nihilist phase so you see all of this as 
> > TB'er stuff even when it isn't.  :-D
> Of course you're in a "I'm so special" phase,
> so you're fairly insufferable when you get 
> like this. Fortunately I practice compassion
> *and* have a short memory, and don't hold it
> against you.  :-)

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