On Jan 29, 2009, at 1:46 PM, I am the eternal wrote:
Actually, no.  Do some reading about the effects of rap music.

They said the same thing about Elvis and the Beatles.

Do some reading about the negative effects the ghetto black culture has on people. Look at the percentage of young felons in the black ghetto. Go read about the first felony conviction as a male right of passage in the black ghetto. It's not all about abuse, poor education, poor upbringing, poor health, lack of money and opportunity. If offered a good education, it will be turned down because studying and doing well in school is perceived as a white thing in the black ghetto. And Barry Obama is not a product of the black ghetto in any way, shape or form.

I just don't understand. Why is it that so many people on FFL want to not call a spade a spade? Why is it that I must be mistaken, I must be writing in a moment of rage, I must be a racist who doesn't know any better? Why is it so impossible to look at black ghetto culture and see that the attitudes and values cause the vicious cycle of fatherless children, dropping out of school, drugs and crime?

No I'm not at all saying that blacks are inferior in any way. What I am saying is that they tend to grow up in a loser, self- destructive environment. I'm not saying that the culture which drags and keeps blacks down is something they made out of their inferiority. I fully acknowledge that the culture comes from slavery. Families and family values and success amongst slaves were discouraged by the white slave master society. The treatment of slaves, Jim Crow, segregation and many other factors brought blacks to the ghetto culture many live in and grow up in now.

But with all of that acknowledged, I don't see that the solution to the pain is to convince people like me to be more loving, more live and let live. I'm not the problem. But I'm the best target people on FFL have because I'm the only target.

If that's the way you feel, stop putting up a bullseye.


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