I don't know of any medical marijuana vending machines, Edg.  I think 
someone was pulling your leg.  But most people I talk to who smoke the 
stuff are getting medical marijuana.   However California is often at 
odds with the Feds over the medical marijuana stuff.  Plus we don't get 
back as much Federal money as we should from our taxes.  So maybe the 
solution is that California, being the 8th largest economy in the world, 
should just become another country.

As far as the state being broke the problem is that the Dems want to 
raise taxes, on the rich, and the Republicans oppose that.  That's why 
no budget has been passed.  And we have $40 billion prison budget that 
could be slashed by letting off people in there for petty crimes like 
pot possession.  Seems the state's Prison Industrial Complex is as much 
of a problem as the Military Industrial Complex.

Duveyoung wrote:
> Hey, idea here:  Since CA has successfully -- for the most part --
> spit in the face of the Feds about the marijuana laws for years, how's
> 'bout CA passing legalization finally to get the state's cash crop
> producing tax revenues?  They could charge the same street price and
> pocket most of the profits instead of, you know, 10 Mexican-mafiosos
> and one white guy getting all the middleman profits.
> They've softened up the Feds who now only do token raids in CA.
> I'm told that in CA there's a sprinkling of vending machines on the
> street that'll dispense the dope right there to ya even if a cop is
> standing next to you who'll do nothing.
> So that's pretty in-your-face, right now, and legalization would only
> seem to be a "bit more."  I guess Prop 15ers can have about three
> pounds of the stuff at any moment whereas even a seed in other states
> has at times put folks away for LIFE.
> With Obama and Phelps being the most recent "high" profilers who have
> added even more legitimacy to the use, it looks to be a done deal if
> Schwartzy goes for it....himself a once-upon-a-time-user.
> The bad news:  if passed, the law will draw all the smokers to CA and
> there's goes the whole west coast into the drink from the added weight.
> Edg

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