--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> To All:
> The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign of 
> Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming of 
> Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in that the 
> world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three other 
> brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna system, or 
> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and sudra.
> Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and is to be 
> supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108 sectors of 
> the world.
Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 

Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. They
either say it openly or think it privately.

There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting worried
that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need to
keep banging on about how important they are? 

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