poor Vaj, always putting the cart before the horse...always claiming 
Hinduism preceded the Ved - lol. does he walk backwards too?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:33 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >>
> >> To All:
> >>
> >> The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign 
> >> Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming 
> >> Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in  
> >> that the
> >> world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine
> >> personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
> >> brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and
> >> prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna  
> >> system, or
> >> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, 
> >> sudra.
> >>
> >> Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and 
> >> to be
> >> supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108  
> >> sectors of
> >> the world.
> >>
> > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now?
> >
> > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> > either say it openly or think it privately.
> >
> > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
> > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need 
> > keep banging on about how important they are?
> It is interesting in a way, as it somewhat authoritatively  
> establishes the TM org as Vaishnavite, by their own admission. 
> isn't to say that this wasn't obvious before, but it's 
> for them to begin to come out and admit the actual nature of the 
> cultus.

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