Om, that spirituality place found in the brain.  Two of the more 
interesting links on FFL in recent times have gone to brain and neuro 
research on meditation by non-TM researchers.

I'd bet a dollar or a box of donuts that, when looked at further, 
chronic pot use corrupts or at least interferes with the brain 
function of spirituality.  It is just science. Neuro- physiology.   
And like, you can see it in the auric field.  Can't you ?  

> Don't ya think, given the incredible strength of the concentrated 
> drug delivery in the modern hybrid pot plant, there evidently ought 
> to be at least a 30 day drug-abstinence policy prior to being able 
> learn to meditate.  Like, you can just see it in pot users.  Two 
> pot-abstinence simply is not enough to protect their experience. 
> Administratively, 30 or 45 days might as well become mandatory for 
> prospective meditators or else is just a waste of the meditation 
> teacher's time.
> & can now easily test for pot residue in the system at the time of 
> personal instruction, much like in the workplace it can be tested 
> or in traffic stops now for law-enforcement.  That intoxication of 
> the altered state of brain function of the high aside, the chemical 
> drug residues of past pot use stick around quite a long time in the 
> system.  Is evidently a corruptor of more than innocence, the 
> meditation program.
> A life opportunity of coming to meditation and the meditation 
> experience itself is so especially precious a human right 
> (inalienable) that pot users everywhere need to be looked after for 
> their own welfare; as well as looking to that larger communal 
> of society.  Because after all is said, being born free in the 
> potential of meditating with a clear mind and clean nervous system 
> a shame to `waste' with pot.  Is of criminal proportion against 
> humanity.   Is this that is the large difference between just some 
> altered state and those spiritually exalted  states of experience 
> natural to human beings.  Pot is nothing short of corruption.  
> is the science and experience of it, and let the due process of law 
> convict pot use as a malefic everywhere in civil society.  Pot use, 
> it's a sin against all that is spiritual and good in humanity. 
> Jai Guru Dev,
> > 
> > The simple explanation is that:
> > 
> > Pervasive use of modern powerful pot is the larger spiritual 
> societal 
> > problem with people not meditating anymore.  Folks just don't 
> > transcendent spiritual experiences anymore or are hazy at best 
> pot 
> > use.
> >
> > 
> > Yeah, that Designer pot use and its addiction in society…
> > 
> > Is too bad.
> > > 
> > > Oh, regulate it like a real drug.
> > > 
> > > Marijuana Addicts Anonymous:
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > >

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