--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
<dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> Nay, nay, nay, no.  
> Boo you mock me.  I am a de-caf man. By experience I recognized 
> the ill effect of strong caffine on meditation a long time ago 
> and thus cast strong caffine off since then. 
> "Fourth.—Are Meditators clear of importing, vending, distilling, 
> and the unnecessary use of all intoxicants? And do they observe 
> moderation and temperance on all occasions? "
> However as an aid to  meditation; about fatigue, dullness or 
> chronic sleeping during meditation practice Maharishi said:  
> "You've slept enough! Take some stimulants like coffee or tea 
> if you can't stay awake during meditation".  Of course this 
> would be in moderation that he was speaking.
> This would be quite so different from the anti-spiritual 
> effects which pot-use so evidently has on meditation. 

Doug, you've lost it heavily over this.

In my opinion, given all of the law-breaking and
ripoffs and charlatanism and tyranny in just the
TM organization and its followers that has been
talked about on this forum, anything that has 
"an effect on meditation" COULDN'T POSSIBLY

You keep touting "spirituality" as if it were a 
good thing. Well, post a few examples from the
history of the TMO to show how good a thing it is.
Was Levi Butler's murder a good thing? Was the
recently-discussed example of the TM doctor ripping
off Medicare a good thing, and "spiritual?"

YOUR "spiritual tradition" is a joke, Doug. TM has
produced a 40-year history of abuse, corruption,
the breaking of laws and the breaking of hearts.
And you think that this "spirituality" can be 
harmed by a little weed?

Grow the fuck up.

If what TM and the TM organization has produced 
and exemplified over the years is "spirituality,"
if marijuana is "anti-spiritual" I say that it
should be distributed for free.

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