Given the speed of light being the limit of the universe, of course,
one cannot know what is happening on the nearest star RIGHT NOW since
it would take 4 years for that information to travel to Earth.

So, if one is to know something INSTANTLY, even about the neighbors
across the street, it cannot be done, but, if one knows everything
about the neighbors before it is asked "what are they doing now?" then
one can predict what they'll be doing (but only if I know them
perfectly -- which uncertainty theory says is impossible.)

So, how does God do it?

Answer: He doesn't.  There is no agency, no manner, no method of
instantaneous-ness.  Otherwise, Brahma would have just asked Himself
what was at the basis of His lotus stalk.  He, the Big Dummy, had to
spend 3,000 years TRAVELING towards the answer -- He gave up when He
finally figured out it was a neverending trip, and that infinity
obviates instrumentality.  

Hinduism agrees that there are inherent limitations on knowing. 
Christians and Jews, not so much -- they want their God to be
omniscient, and they have to resort to pure mysticism to cobble up an
explanation for how such a skill might be jiggy with reality.

Advaita says: amness is the home of all qualities, amness is God, yes,
but when God really wants to know something RIGHT NOW, the Absolute
CHEATS THE LAWS OF REALITY and simply tell God what is going on
instead of there having to be any method for getting from A to B
instantly.  How does the Absolute know?  Don't only not know, but I
cannot ever know how the Absolute knows.

Remember how Maharishi would always say, "What to do?  What to do?" 
Like that he put the question "out there," and samyamanically, the
answer arose from the audience.  Neat!  But don't miss that probably
the first time you ever heard Maharishi ask that that you had to do an
on-the-fly adjustment about what his so-called enlightenment was able
to pony up when it came to knowing something. He was a dime short, right?

Yep, God's intuition is the whispering of the Absolute -- impossible,
of course!!!!!, but that's what God has to put up with -- that damned
Absolute cannot be figured out, but it's the most important non-thing
what non-am.  

God has to cheat, just like when Krishna told Arjuna: "Sometimes ya
gots to pop outta da box, break a few rules, do a miracle here and
there to keep things tidy-like, and I'm the Absolute so I know just
exactly how to do that without any doingness.  Trust me."

Science has yet to solved the three-body problem.  They can't figure
it.  The math boggles them.  Set three bodies in motion and try to
predict their futures -- nope.  So when they send a rocket out there,
guess what?  Yep, course corrections are made every now and then to
compensate for the blindness of the calculations.

This know-everything concept is all about intuition.  David H. Wolpert
is trying to define the mechanics of intuition, but like Heisenberg
also failed, he's not going to be man-enough to leap out of the box. 
Being a member of truth's SWAT team, with my gun aimed, I shout my
commands to him, "Drop the pencil on the floor and step back.  Step
back from the pencil!" 

Einstein was the dude -- he insisted God doesn't play dice even when
his bigass brain couldn't prove it to Heisenberg.  Unfortunately
Einstein didn't come up with the math to prove that math could only
approach knowledge but that at the last, only transcendence admits a
scientist to the TRUTH, any TRUTH, the whole or the partial TRUTH. 
Einstein knew this, but couldn't prove that virtually all knowledge
was, ultimately, only verifiable by HUNCH!

Does ya need proof?

What's two plus two?

Whammo!  Did you catch the Absolute whispering the correct answer?


Maybe next time, my little hunchette.  Don't despair, no one else
hears it either, but by every speck of marrow in me bones, I tell you
that every thought you have is but an echo of just such a whisper.  

The biggest clue is that identification flows.  When I have a thought,
IT IS ME.  I swoon for every thought like I was a wallflower and it a
hunkarama asking for the next dance.  Instantly.  Instantly.

Identity is the stealth bomber of consciousness -- it gets into the
mix before the mix has been mixed.  If not so, then meaning cannot
arise in a mind.  Thoughts would be mere noise.

Only the Absolute manufactures the sense of things.  Brahma couldn't
make sense of the miracle of His existence and had to finally bend a
knee to that which could be beyond any law, any logic, any power to

So, if you cannot make sense of life, you're in good, nay, God
company.  Bend also your knee to No-thing, pour your identity back
into It, and once you know you are Nothing, now you're getting
somewhere, instantly.

So, what is FFL?

A bunch of hunchers scrunchin' and munchin' at a truth luncheon.



--- In, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> Among other possible types of limitations: (Scientific American, p. 
> 19, March 2009):
> 1. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (HUP). ..."Heisenberg 
> discovered that improved precision regarding, say, an object's 
> position inevitably degraded the level of certainity of its momentum."
> 2.  "Kurt Godel showed that within any formal mathematical system 
> advanced enough to be useful, it is impossible to use the system to 
> prove evfery true statement that it contains."
> 3. "...Alan Turing demonstrated that one cannot, in general, 
> determine if a computer algorithm is going to halt".
> 4. New theorem of David H. Wolpert, NASA Ames Research Center.
> " ... has chimed in with his version of a knowledge limit.  Because 
> of it, he concludes, the universe lies beyond the grasp of any 
> intellect, no matter how powerful, that could exist within the 
> universe."  " matter what laws of physics govern a universe, 
> there are inevitably facts about the universe that its inhabitants 
> cannot learn by experiment or predict with a computation".
> [brief comment on the last one.  To get around such arguments against 
> Omniscience, Fundamentalists are fond of saying that their "God" is 
> beyond the universe, thus negating Wolpert's theorem.
>  But various philosophical arguments can be brought to bear on 
> counteracting the Fundies.  Some of these will be presented shortly.

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