--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> 
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 7:16 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > The small, impotent dead-ender group of loser
> > fringe Hillarizoids have a lot in common with
> > Rush Limbaugh and the remnants of the loony
> > fringe conservatives:
> >
> > Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting
> > Obama To Fail (VIDEO)
> I often wonder if some of these looney tunes realize
> just how crazed they come across...or even if they
> care anymore.  Maybe they're beyond that at this
> point.

Sal and do.rflex, for example, haven't cared in a
long while. They can't tell the difference between
"loser fringe Hillarizoids," right-wingers who
desperately want Obama to fail, and people on the 
left who desperately want him to *succeed* but have
some legitimate questions about what he's doing.

And they don't *want* to tell the difference. They
want to lump all those who don't unconditionally
support everything Obama does into one big pile and
dismiss them as loons so they don't ever have to
confront the fact that Obama isn't perfect (even
though he himself has said he isn't perfect over
and over again).

Can't get much more crazed than that.

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