TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bettyblue109 <no_re...@...> wrote:
>>> Is it Miss Do.Rflex or Mr Do.Rflex, "That's a similar attitude to
>>> those whose 'expert' economic back ground got us into this mess 
>>> in the first place. The same kind of in-it-for-the-wealthy 
>>> 'experts' who fought tooth and nail against FDR's New Deal 
>>> spending...." 
>> Actually 300 million Americans got us into this mess in the 
>> first place, we all lived way beyond our means since 1980. 
>> We all borrowed too much, too much debt... 
> Speak for yourself.
> I lived in the U.S. until 2002. I had zero debt.
> I still have zero debt. 
> Don't project your own "out-of-control housewife
> with a credit card" approach to living onto others
> unless you're sure it applies. 
> One of the reasons I *left* the U.S. is that I saw
> all this coming. It's the result of a government
> *and* a people who lived the way you described. 
> If you're one of them, include yourself in your
> "300 million Americans" figure, but leave me out.
> I resent being put in the same category as idiots.
I learned back in the late 1970's what a pain debt could be.  In my case 
I had debt from borrowing to go the the Sidhi's program and then quit my 
gig for a better one that turned out not to happen.  It was hard to find 
anything else for a while.  A couple years later the band I had worked 
for hired me back.  But from then on I never allowed myself to go into 
debt anymore than I could handle and that included during my prosperous 

But you're missing the fun, Turq.  It's like living in a sci-fi movie.  
Last night my family had a get together at a restaurant for my oldest 
great nephew's birthday.  The talk at the start was who they knew that 
got laid off or who they knew that had a company where they had to lay 
off.   I actually didn't say much of anything because I had been telling 
them for some time we were in for a depression and probably far worse 
than the 1930's one.   I'm watching the market crash again today but 
figuring if not tomorrow then probably later in the week it'll be back 
up.  The market is like a yo-yo.  It will wind it's way further down 
until it ain't worth dirt.  But that's what people get for gambling.  
The market is just another way to separate the middle class from it's money.

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