Turq, I just come write here because it fills the space between getting 
stoned and staring at the wall.  This intercourse is the only intercourse I 
get during week days and is what the world calls "interactive." Thus I am no 
longer a couch potato. Now I'm more like a chair sea cucumber. At any rate, 
just describing my presence. I have no secret doctrine. In fact my copy of 
Secret Doctrine was so heavy I had to use it to prop up my house after 
Katrina.  Blavatsky's tomes are good for that, that and reaching high 
places. It's too bad the only people who took her seriously had children who 
then had more children because now we have things like 'Ascended Masters' 
and 'seven rays of judgement.' From Blavatsky and Besant and Ledbetter the 
Theosophists have become distraught and fallen Born Agains of the Straight 
Edge 'Woo Woo' religion, holding their limp prospects like men who needs 
Viagra. Maitreya Maitreya they call, will be on TV. Bwahahhahahaha, will 
someone give that man some Zoloft. Actually, this group is alot like a daily 
dose of Zoloft.  And laughter is good for the Jiva.  In fact, a giggle a day 
keeps the Atman becoming one with brahman.  Uh, that didn't rhyme.  It was a 
sutra, it should be repeated at fifteen second intervals, you know the way 
Sunday drivers put on their brakes. Don't drink coffee so early. Krip toe 
nite, must, smoke, pot, or, lose, powers.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "TurquoiseB" <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 4:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's Awful Financial Recovery Plan

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> <steve.sun...@...> wrote:
>> Not sure if this makes any sense, but I find it kind of
>> incredible when people respond with "softened" emotions,
>> rather than "hardened" emotions.
> Having responded once with tongue firmly
> in cheek, I'll respond more seriously. I
> don't think that what you're referring to
> is "hardened" emotions but "manufactured"
> emotions.
> My "take" on the dynamic of FFL in which
> some respond to minor provocation with a
> major display of emotion is that they are 

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