--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:

What you wrote was totally brilliant and will NEVER happen because it contained 
the humility that the KNOWERS of reality will never assume.  Modern people can 
smell arrogance a mile away and it never sells.  They just can't give up their 
inflated self-perception that they know more than any other human about life 
because their master told them so.

> > 
> > I watched the whole thing with fascination.  The building project impresses 
> > me as an attempt to preserve a dying aspect of Indian culture and religion. 
> >  I don't know the back story of the pundit boys, so I don't know if they 
> > are being saved from far shittier jobs or are being exploited into focusing 
> > on a skill which is basically unmarketable when they probably should be 
> > learning how to design circuit boards.  But the concept of preserving the 
> > tradition of chanting in a world that couldn't care less mostly appeals to 
> > me.  As wrong as I may think Maharishi is in his interpretation of what the 
> > whole Vedic chanting thing means, it is a beautiful tradition and I hope it 
> > doesn't die too soon. It is a link to part of our human past. 
> I have similar thoughts. And I think the TMO is missing the boat in terms of 
> the way they could cast these projects. They could have quite wide appeal 
> amongst green, multi-cultural, diversity loving hip people -- the starbucks, 
> i-pod, world music generation. 
> As, an example: The pitch (rambling first draft)
> The Interconnectivity and Sustainability Project
> The Project is about saving an endangered ancient cultural tradition that 
> deeply embraces diversity and expores the interconnectedness of all things.
> All ancient cultures should be preserved as part of our rich 
> global cultural  heritage.  The Project focuses on the ancient Vedic culture 
> of India -- its ceremonies, art, architecture, song and dance that become 
> living documents from the past, enlivening the richness, diversity and 
> interconnectedness of this particular intriguing ancient culture. The Project 
> seeks to establish a Williamsberg replication of this culture -- breathing 
> life into forgotten traditions. 
> It is as if its a vast performance art pieces, that seek to fully engage and 
> include the audience as part of the performance.  It explores in great detail 
> its vision of the commonality of all people and all things in a vast web of 
> Consciousness -- seen as the core source of thought, inspiration and 
> achievements -- as well as natural process and rhythms. The Project uses the 
> myriad of ancient methods and technologies that this culture utilized to 
> explore all realms of Consciousness -- and in doing so -- to live in dynamic 
> harmony with all peoples and nature.  Its particular focus on sustainability  
> is quite relevant for the modern age.
> Touring the various project sites, you will see full life replicas ancient 
> architecture that seeks to connect its inhabitants with all of nature -- and 
> ancient ceremonies that promise world peace and individual prosperity. 
> Educational methods seeking to address the whole human person and spirit. And 
> even the political methods of that day, you will see "rajas" dressed in the 
> ancient garb, and attending to national and global affairs as prescribed by 
> this ancient culture -- and its emphasis on ruling from the domain of 
> Consciousness.   
> The Project is open to the speculations and mystical insights of this 
> culture. It raises some utterly astounding hypotheses -- such as how global 
> peace and prosperity can be created even from chaos and suffering. While the 
> core of the Project is focused on preserving the culture, these ancient 
> speculations and insights are viewed respectfully and carefully. It is 
> possible they present seeds of wisdom that can enliven the world community, 
> its diversity and its inter-connectiveness. Thus the project has an 
> experimental component. These ancient cultural traditions are both preserved 
> and tested -- to explore their potential effectiveness in providing solutions 
> to our ever complex modern society.
> If yoo are interested in learning more about the Project, or seek to 
> contribute time or resources to its many goals, please contact ....

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