--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> What you wrote was totally brilliant...

Absofuckinglutely, dude. May I say
that I am *SO* happy to have your 
evolved "soul" and Oscar Wilde-like 
wit among us here at Fairfield Life.
If you feel like it sometime, please
fill us in on a little of your history.
No intrusion intended, merely curiosity.
I just would love to know what factors
in your life led you to being so cool. :-)

> ...and will NEVER happen because it contained the humility 
> that the KNOWERS of reality will never assume. Modern people 
> can smell arrogance a mile away and it never sells.  

I wouldn't say "never." I met The
Donald once. Arrogance and lingering
Pharoah-complex-from-another-life in
spades. It sold very well, until rec-
ently. One will see in the future 
whether the combover of arrogance is
able to withstand the winds of change.

> They just can't give up their inflated self-perception that 
> they know more than any other human about life because their 
> master told them so.

If, as I suspect, you can "step back"
and see *yourself* as the "dog in this
scenario," you *remember* what it was
like to live within the cocoon of this
inflated self-perception. You *remember*
what it was like to believe that you
"knew more" than the peons around you.

That *ability* to remember, IMO, gives
us an advantage over those who are not
*able* to tell that that's their current
state of attention. It *allows* us to
"step back" and look at the hideously
center-of-the-universe fantasies of those
who are still lost in this mindset, hav-
ing both "been there" and then washing
our hands, leaving the bathroom, and 
thrown the paper towel in the trash,
having "done that."

There was a time when I believed this
stuff, too. Even though I can only PRAY
that I was never as much of an "Evil 
Dead 2" cast member as this guy. At my
*worst* I was overenthusiastic and 
over-programmed, but not to the point
of sounding like Leonard Nimoy on smack
like this guy.

I "walked" from the TM movement over 25
years ago. At that point, this guy would
have "stood out in the crowd," and would
have been perceived by MOST people as 
"gone," over the top, lost in a fantasy
world that had no relationship to even
what even the TBs around him considered 

Now, he sounds better than the Rajas do.

He, at least, is not trying to convince
Germans to embrace "Invincible Germany."
He is not trying to convince world leaders
to tear down their capital cities and then
rebuild them from the ground up according
to "Vedic principles." He's just waxing
blissed-out-edly about seeing a few brown
boys and projecting as much positivity onto
them as he can possibly muster up.

Can you *imagine* how this fellow would
really *react* to the German au pair coming
on to him, the babe who Curtis suggested? 

IMO, based on this one well-meant but IMO
Jonestown-like slide show, he would have
shrunk back in horror from the well-meaning
German hausfrau, and considered her one of
Satan's Minions, sent to tempt him away from
the One Path, the Highest Path, the Pathway
To Enlightenment That Only We Know About. 
She would be a ho from the hell worlds, 
sent here to tempt him into their fiery

Call me a "non-knower of reality," but Dude!,
given the choice of seeing the German au pair
peel off the layers of her clothing and watch-
ing the pundit boys peel off the layers of 
Maya by chanting Vedic verses between puffs 
of ganja, I'm gonna to go every time for the 
German hausfrau.

But that's just the kinda lowlife scum I am.

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