ruthsimplicity wrote:
> I, of course, would love to see you levitate and then see what I would think 
> about it.  Most likely I would think you had learned a cool trick.


Really?  Merely a cool trick?  WTF?

The red-flag aspect of all levitation reports is that the exhibition of such is 
done in a non-scientific venue....such as that employed by Criss Angel who 
shows himself levitating high in the air with a crowd of onlookers -- but it 
turns out, he was on a wire and the crowd was entirely made up of paid shills, 
and the whole thing is a sham from the get-go and breaks the once-highly-held 
moral intent of magicians to not use camera tricks.

Turq keeps insisting that he was in a crowd that saw "the Rama guy" levitate, 
and, yep, there's Turq saying "ain't no big thang...yawn."

To me that's Turq's "tell" that he's not being on the up and up with us.  It is 
one thing for him to tell us he's seen levitation one time, but he says he's 
seen it many times, and that's where the story becomes a tale told instead of a 
factual accounting.


Cuz think about it.  If someone can levitate and do so "at will," it represents 
a complete annihilation of many foundational axioms of hard-won scientific 
conclusions.  It means "gravity control" is possible.  Tell someone at the CIA 
that you've got gravity control down pat, show them an act of levitation, and 
see if they don't hustle you off to a prison while they study you and see if 
they can make it work for their war machines.  Tell NASA you got it, and 
they'll say, "Now we can explore the stars FAST."

Why didn't Turq or any of the many smart folks who Turq says saw acts of 
levitation not "get it" that the demonstrated levitation was not merely a 
spiritual miracle but also represented a technology that foretold the complete 
collapse of the industries of oil, auto, highway construction, military complex 
and on and on it goes?  If levitation is real, then all of physics must be 
reexamined.  Turq and others should have known this -- should have told Rama to 
save all of humanity with this knowledge.

To put it simply: levitation is a weapon of mass destruction.  The power is so 
incredible, that no aspect of civilization would be untouched by its 
application to the real world.

Yet no one in the crowd saw fit to ask Rama why he wasn't being kidnapped by 
some government and water-boarded until he told the secrets he must know to 
have obtained such power.  If true levitation were to be performed, there would 
be an immediate, massive, world-wide shift of consciousness as it "sank in" 
that such an ability was real.  Overnight, religions would gel around the 
concept and immediate start getting some of the people power back from those 
who'd been grabbed by scientific thought instead.

The fact that the Rama guy wasn't kidnapped is a huge tell that he was simply 
faking.  You simply cannot levitate for real in today's world with today's 
educated folks and expect that a clamor would not immediately arise that the 
levitation be investigated -- since it simply promises "miracles for the 
asking."  It indicates that panacea-thought is practical.

In other words, Ruth, not merely a neat trick.


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