--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:

> I wouldn't. I know that I saw it, whatever it was
> that I saw. Hundreds of times. Among groups of
> hundreds of other people, who also saw the same 
> things.
> But does that make what we saw a "fact?" I think
> not. It only makes what we saw an *experience*, 
> one that can be interpreted many ways. I should
> know...I have interpreted those experiences many
> ways myself. Still do.

I have always appreciated that you know that your experience could have a 
number of causes.  I lean towards favoring causes that are consistent with what 
we know about the world and what we know about people.  But I also know that we 
do not know everything about the world and everything about people.  I also 
know that sometimes we are wrong.  But in general, science is a building block 
process and what we learn is built on what we already know. 

 We always can be wrong but we have to live in the physical world and make 
decisions so I make many decisions based on probability, not on the claim that 
anything is possible.  I would not place a bet on the fact of levitation.  If I 
was betting it would be on another explanation, from magic tricks, to group 
hysteria or some combination.  

I, of course, would love to see you levitate and then see what I would think 
about it.  Most likely I would think you had learned a cool trick.  

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