--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Nelson" <nelsonriddle2...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Interestingly, I have *seen* levitation, many times,
> > but I make no assumptions as to whether it can be
> > done physically. I know only what I and hundreds
> > of other people SAW, and that could be explained 
> > by having "seen" into a "parallel dimensional"
> > kinda reality in which the levitation was taking
> > place, whereas it wasn't in this physical dimension.
> > That, in fact, is how I've come to consider the
> > experience, because it explains *other* odd exper-
> > iences I had around the Rama guy.
> > 
> > It could *also* have been some kind of placebo
> > belief-based experience, although I don't believe
> > in that as an explanation because there was never
> > any suggestion as to what one was "supposed" to see
> > or experience. Or it could be as Vaj has suggested,
> > and some siddhi that allows the person who has 
> > mastered it to project a kind of Jedi "These are
> > not the droids you're looking for" brain-fog on
> > people and "make" them see things that aren't really
> > there. I am open to *all* of these possibilities.
> > The only thing I'm not open to is that I and all
> > these hundreds of others didn't experience what
> > we experienced. We did. Now we're stuck with trying
> > to make sense of what they might have been.
> snip,
> Isn't lack of understanding of fact the only reason for 
> debate.

Not at all. Personally, I think the only "reason
for debate" is a bad one. That is, "I am trying
to assert than my opinion is 'fact.'"

Debate is usually a form of EVANGELISM, an 
attempt to get others to "buy into" your world 
view or belief system. The whole *idea* of debate 
in most cases is that there may be *one and only 
one* "right answer" to the question, and that one 
answer is The One. It's the "final answer," the 
"thought-stopper" answer, the "real" answer.

I don't believe that there is such a thing as the
"real" answer. To much of anything, let alone 
issues of belief and faith and philosophy. The
whole *idea* of debating these things as if one
could "win" the debate makes me LOL.

> I would think that Turq's observation on levitating, and, 
> his being a qualified observer, would make it a fact.

Do you?

I wouldn't. I know that I saw it, whatever it was
that I saw. Hundreds of times. Among groups of
hundreds of other people, who also saw the same 

But does that make what we saw a "fact?" I think
not. It only makes what we saw an *experience*, 
one that can be interpreted many ways. I should
know...I have interpreted those experiences many
ways myself. Still do.

I would say that my OPINION about levitation, 
having witnessed it, remains just that, an 
OPINION. I know that Shemp would probably 
agree with me that it's not a fact, except that 
he would probably categorize it instead as the
result of cult brainwashing. :-)

See what I mean about "different strokes for 
different folks." YOU might believe my stories,
and lend them enough credence to consider them
"fact." But others, such as Shemp and Ruth, are
under no such obligation.

Interestingly enough, neither am I. I saw these
things; I experienced them. But the only "fact"
in that sentence is that I experienced them, not 
that they happened.

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