--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Yet another round of people *who have never
> practiced any other technique of meditation
> other than TM* declaring over and over, "TM
> is unique!!!" The absurdity of it staggers
> the imagination.
> At least Vaj has *practiced* other forms of
> meditation, and thus has the ability to com-
> pare them to TM. But WHY BOTHER? What is the
> point of making such comparisons for people
> so stupid as to believe that they can declare
> how unlike any other technique of meditation
> (and how superior) TM is, *while never having 
> experienced any other techniques*.

See, the problem here (as Barry knows) isn't that
Vaj doesn't think TM is unique or superior, it's
that in making his comparisons, *he isn't
describing TM accurately*.

Using Barry's crayon analogy, it's as if Vaj were
claiming that crayons were inferior to water colors
because you can only make pictures in black and
white with crayons. Even those who have never made
pictures with water colors or any other medium know
that crayons produce a wide range of colors.

Even Vaj's claim that TM isn't effortless is based
on an inaccurate description of TM.

I've seen Barry give perfectly accurate descriptions
of TM, so there's no question Barry knows Vaj's
are inaccurate. So do all the others here who have
taught TM or practiced it for a significant period.
(Even those who had just learned it would most likely
know this, for that matter.)

It doesn't matter *how* many other techniques Vaj
has studied or for how long. If he can't give an
accurate account of what TM is, there's no way he
can make valid comparisons.

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