--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > Something good is happening. I never doubted
> > Vaj was a fraud. He certainly didn't sound
> > like he knew anything AT ALL about TM. Worse
> > yet, he claimed he was a TM teacher but 
> > failed to produce a shred of evidence.
> Think what you like about his points, this
> challenge is absurd if he wants to keep his
> name off this forum.

Oh, he could produce some evidence that
couldn't be linked to his name, like which
TTC he attended and the names of those who
ran it, or helped MMY run it. (Of course, 
he could get such information from someone
who actually was there even if he wasn't,
but at least it would be *something*.)

More importantly, there would be no call for
such evidence if Vaj's presentation of what TM
involves were as accurate as, say, yours.

There's a reason why Vaj is the only person on
FFL claiming to have been a TM teacher whose
credentials have been seriously challenged.

(By "seriously," I mean Willytex and Nabby aside.)

> And given the vitriol directed his way I can
> understand why.  It still seems unreasonable
> to me that he has this intense interest and
> inside knowledge about the movement without
> being a teacher.

TM teachers aren't the only ones who have an
interest in and inside knowledge of the TMO.

> I think that his understanding about the
> details of meditaton has shifted too far to
> connect with people who only have studied TM.

This isn't at all convincing as an explanation
for why he gets so many details of what TM
involves factually incorrect.

> That is why I give the old Kumbaya speech to
> you and Judy every now and then about
> communicating with Vaj on a more detailed
> intellectual level.

You know, Curtis, we're pretty much in the same
position you are when Nabby refers to your music
as "hillbilly music." Even if Nabby had extensive
knowledge of, say, jazz, there wouldn't be any
point in your trying to communicate with him about
the blues vs. jazz on a "more detailed intellectual
level" if he's starting from the misapprehension
that the blues is "hillbilly music."

What you'd need to do first would be to find
out why he thought that and disabuse him of the

Not a perfect parallel, but the point is that 
you can't engage in a meaningful "compare and
contrast" exercise with a person whose
understanding of one of the elements in the
comparison is faulty.

For that matter, Vaj doesn't seem to be capable
of explaining *his* favored end of the 
comparison clearly. (And if emptybill's analysis
is on target, Vaj either doesn't understand it
or is misrepresenting it as well.)

> I would enjoy reading it.  I accept that this
> relationship is too broken to fix.

There's an interesting thread from some years
ago on alt.m.t that represents Vaj's first
major incursion into that forum, between Vaj
and me and several other knowledgeable TMers.
The TMers maintained politeness and gave Vaj
the benefit of the doubt for some time; it was
Vaj who initially devolved into the ad hominem
and open contempt that has always characterized
his exchanges with TMers here. Also clearly
evident were his reluctance (or inability) to
explain himself or justify his positions, as
well as numerous misunderstandings about the
nature of TM and the TM-Sidhis.

If you'd be interested in reading the thread,
I could dig it up for you.

Point being, it would be hard to make a case
that Vaj has *ever* been interested in having
an intellectually meaningful dialogue with
committed TMers.

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