--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:27 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > You have plenty of emotion that you express in your
> > positions here. Neither of us are summing up your
> > objections as stemming from a psychological problem
> > you have.  Is it too much to ask for this courtesy
> > in return?
> In Judy's case, yes.  That's apparently the only
> way she wants to deal with legitimate objections--
> villify the messenger--read their minds--use manipulation
> and fake "concern" instead of responding rationally.

Note how carefully Sal snipped what Curtis had said
just above what she quoted:

"You have plenty of legitimate challenges to both of our
POVs here."


And of course she bought Curtis's misunderstanding--
that I was "summing up [their] objections as stemming
from a psychological problem [they] have"--hook, line,
and sinker. Never suggested that about either of them.

> Which is why I don't deal with her any more...there's
> no honor amongst thieves, or, it would seem,
> manipulators and phonies.

The reason Sal doesn't deal with me any more is that
she isn't up to it. If I were her, I wouldn't be
accusing others of lacking honor and being
manipulators and phonies.

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