--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <no_reply@> wrote:

> > And I wish I had never started and my friends never
> > started.  I wish my friends had never become parusha
> > or siddhas and lived lives sucking resources from
> > others. I wish that they didn't take enemas and weird
> > supplements to cure chronic disease.  
> > 
> > School is  not for spiritual development.  Meditate
> > after school.  Sit in silence after school.  Pray after
> > school.
> You sound like maybe you're a candidate for John Knapp's
> counseling services, Ruth. I'm serious; that's not snark.
> You seem genuinely distraught.
> He apparently does counseling over the phone, BTW.

Judy goes on to say in another post: 
"Thanks, Raunch. You don't even have to *like* a person
to feel empathy for them. Goodness knows I've been tough
on Ruth in other respects. But this time, I got a sense
of almost desperation in her lament that I hadn't before."

Maybe I should take you at face value here as it is hard to read someone's 
emotions from what they say on the internet. 
And Raunchy believes you are sincere. But there is a tone in your posts in this 
thread that feels patronizing to me and you do have a number of posts that make 
assumptions about what I think or feel. I am sorry to say that I question your 
professed empathy given the ease with which you wield the knife.  And you 
certainly feel free to stick it in Knapp, so why would you recommend him? 

For the record, such as it is, I am not distraught nor desperate nor in need of 
counseling.  If I was, I trust I would recognize the need and deal with it.   I 
do harbor resentment with the cult of TM that has negatively effected my 
friends, as Raunchy recalled.   But irritation with the TMO is not a 
psychological problem.  There is nothing wrong with getting pissed off at what 
pisses you off.   

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