Yet Nab has been outdone by Lon, who was crazy beyond Nabbiness. By contrast 
Nab is a mere sloppy copy.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duveyoung" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Conspiracy Theories

> Curtis,
> That's one fine set of responses.
> So, get ready....
> Ready?
> Ready?
> If not for Nab, how many fewer great smack-backs would we have had posted 
> here?
> Think about it.  If someone came here with a new user name and tried to be 
> "another Nab," why the inauthenticity of the attempt is assured.  Only a 
> Nab could be a Nab, and there ain't no other Nabs here but Nab.
> Shemp, Off -- eat your hearts out. Nab is the king of nabbiness.
> Edg
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltabl...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
>> >
>> <snip>
>> >
>> > Do you want me to take you seriously;
>> I don't know what that might mean in your fantasy world.
>> < do you want to know where Lincoln is living today ?>
>> He is dead.  He isn't living anywhere now.
>> > I will not tell hillbillies
>> Ouch! Come one now, poodles are sooo cute and hillbillies aren't ( at 
>> least the GUY hillbillies.)  Now the chicks at Petticoat Junction and 
>> Elly-May Clampett were lookers.
>> < like you what neighbourhood Lincoln is living in DC today.>
>> Let me guess, someone with an British accent TOLD you this.
>> < You could easily become a security-problem. >
>> I would ask him to cough up a buck like anyone else walking by me while 
>> busking but otherwise I never associate with zombies back from the dead. 
>> (After one drink the brain eating always starts.)
>> <In fact from all your unstable comments on FFL you are a walking 
>> security-relability.>
>> Well at least I'm not claiming I know where dead people live after their 
>> Thriller video rise from the dead.
>> < Many hillbillies are, due to extensive inbreeding.>
>> You will kindly leave my parents out of this conversation.  You couldn't 
>> be more wrong about them.
>> >
>> > Regarding Maitreya; it's far beyond you ability to comprehend, 
>> > unfortunately.
>> Well you got that right.  Like IF God was coming back to straighten out 
>> the mess he created here, why would he let YOU in on it?  I find that 
>> more incomprehensible than the whole Maitreya nonsense itself.
>> <So we can safely leave that issue out as well. >
>> And deprive me of your enlightenment?  I'm guessing that the first thing 
>> God is gunna do when he gets here is round up nasty pieces of work like 
>> you.  Remember how UN-elitist Jesus was?  He was all for the commoner, 
>> not people like you.  I'm thinking that after a couple of bourbons 
>> Maitreya and I will be big buddies and the first bug I'm putting in his 
>> ear is to send you and your kind to Calcutta for a lesson in the rest of 
>> humanity beneath your upturned nose.
>> >
>> > But I do wish you well.
>> Obviously.  The sincere love came right through the layers of malicious 
>> putdowns.  Right through.  Not gunna help you one bit when I get Maitreya 
>> on my side though.  Once we start high fiving like old fraternity buddies 
>> I'm gunna get him to open a can of old Yaweh cosmic wup ass on you. 
>> Those cans must be getting mighty ripe by now.
>> >
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