--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > With the puja you had the added weirdness of people
> > not knowing what the F you were doing.  We down play
> > the weirdness so much in the intro and prep with our
> > suits and ties and talk of science, and then then we
> > hit them with the sandalwood incense infused puja
> > room and we show up like the little devoted outcaste
> > Hindu-wannabees we were.  All of a sudden Mr.
> > Scientific Charts transforms by doing a detailed
> > ritual that goes on pretty long, right from the middle
> > ages!  What a trip!
> So lessee, Curtis, were you trying to deceive them
> into thinking the puja wasn't anything special, just
> everyday, casual stuff--I'm just giving you the flower
> 'cause I thought you'd enjoy holding it; I'm returning
> a piece of fruit to you 'cause I figured you might be
> hungry?
> Or were you doing exactly the opposite, as you describe
> above, striking holy awe into their poor innocent
> hearts, befuddling their vulnerable minds with the
> sheer hyperreligious weirdness of it all?
> I asked Geeze what he had thought of Barry's post
> claiming that *he* had never thought of what he was
> involved with as religious during his years in the
> movement, but Geeze seems to have felt it wouldn't
> be politic to comment.
> How 'bout you, Curtis? If somebody as allergic as
> Barry is to religion didn't think of what he was
> doing as religious--and claims he didn't leave the
> TMO because he had come to think he had been
> practicing a religion after all--isn't that support
> for my point that it's only what the *individual*
> thinks about what they're doing that's relevant?
> (Barry says he was focused entirely on self-
> discovery, which he doesn't believe is associated
> with religion. He's invited to chime in if he feels
> I've misrepresented what he said.)
Judy, I didn't respond to you because I've concluded that word wrestling with 
you is about as useful as arguing with Nabby or WillyTex. I don't have time 
time to get into convoluted dialogs with you. I don't have time to get into 
convoluted dialogs with anyone here for that matter. I check in when I get a 
moment, post quick comments when I'm able and move on to to other pressing 
matters. You've made it clear over the years that "winning" is of utmost 
importance to you. While, I've enjoyed a few posts of yours concerning food or 
birds, I find the endless "you're lying and you know it" crap to be tiring and 
mind-numbingly boring. 

That's why I don't rumble in the jungle with you.

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