On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Get some Chopra, he's a much more interesting and articulate speaker.

Although Chopra is entertaining, if you've read a book or two, an
article or two or heard another lecture or two in you're life, you'll
discover that Chopra never had an original thought in his entire life.
 He reads, steals some from this book, some from this article.  Though
charismatic, I find his rehash of everybody else's words and thoughts
to be grating.

Seek after the Humbold video tapes.  I so much enjoyed them.  They
were perhaps his best ever.  And do get hold of the Merv shows.  They
were great.  Nothing beats Maharishi's giggle.

And don't listen to the damned Buddhists here.

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