--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> I knew some young strippers who were at some jyotish 
> workshops.  I also knew a lingerie model (who had also 
> worked with California Hardbodies) who was very 
> interested in spiritual things, astrology and ayurveda.
> OTOH, knowing the drink prices (and minimums) at strip 
> clubs I can't believe you actually hung out at one to 
> write.  And the testosterone levels at those places are 
> enough to drive anyone out let alone try to write there.

That was the whole point. I was surfing Tantric
opposites. I used to do the same thing in Amsterdam,
sit in clubs like Yab Yum (a brothel) and write about 
spiritual subjects. That's just who I am; I get off
of the polarity of seemingly opposite energies. As
usual :-), I have a Bruce Cockburn line that seems
to capture the phenomenon:

You see the extremes
Of what humans can be
In that distance some tension's born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it's shining like gold 
But better
Rumours of glory 

It's the Tantric counterpart to the story of Ulysses 
and the sirens from the Odyssey. His ship had to sail
past the island of the sirens, whose song was so
enchanting that any sailor who heard it had to follow
it and wound up dying as they steered their ships onto 
the rocks in an attempt to get to the sirens. So 
Ulysses had his crew's ears stuffed with wax so that 
they couldn't hear the siren song and then had them 
tie him to the mast, with ears unplugged, so that he 
*could* hear it.

That's how I am with places like brothels and strip
clubs, or was a decade ago, when I had occasion to
write in them. I've never been really tempted to get
a lap dance or to "go upstairs" with any of the women;
I just enjoy being in an environment in which they 
are pushing out an energetic "siren song" to get men
to do that, and seeing how it *feels*. Then, in the
midst of that vibe, I write about spiritual topics
and *other* energies. Go figure.

> And #2 is actually an old tale that gurus often tell about 
> the prostitute and the yogi.  The yogi practiced his 
> meditations across the street from a prostitute and looked 
> down with upon her while she across the street admired the 
> yogi's spiritual practices and devotion.  (To cut things 
> short) when death came to both the yogi went to hell and 
> the prostitute went to heaven. :-D

That's my theory. For whatever reasons, I really DON'T
look down on "sex workers." I see in them *humanity*,
often more than I see in those who walk by with their
noses in the air considering themselves "superior" to
the prostitutes or strippers. 

As a result, during the time I was consulting there in
Detroit, I actually got to know a couple of the strippers.
Some of them were burnout cases or druggies, but a few
actually *were* "only in it for the money." I wound up
helping one to edit her Masters thesis in Psychology;
she was stripping to earn an advanced degree. She didn't
do lap dances and the owners of the place were fine with
that because she was a real dancer (having studied ballet),
and was the best dancer in the joint. Stripping allowed 
her to work only 20 hours a week and earn more money than
most people on this forum have ever made in a week. She 
was the one I wrote the story about. I gave her a copy 
and she liked it a lot, and cited it in her thesis. I 
taught her to meditate (not TM), as I did several of the 
prostitutes at Yab Yum. I don't know whether they still 
meditate or not.

> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > I won't comment on Edg's rant, except to say that
> > 1) it's a re-run of his projected rant about me 
> > being a "predator," and 2) I sat in that strip
> > club and managed to see one of those strippers
> > as a deva, a dakini, while Edg saw similar wommen 
> > only as worthy of looking down upon with scorn, 
> > from his oh-so-much-higher-than-they-were position 
> > of moral righteousness. I leave it to those in 
> > the FFL audience who can still think to determine
> > which reflects more of spirituality.
> >
> > There are days when a human being makes me feel
> > ashamed of sharing a species with them. This is 
> > one of those days.

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