--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal <l.shad...@...> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:51 PM, geezerfreak <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Boo, in case it's not obvious this fella is nuttier than a fruitcake.
> Trying to dialog with him is useless. I do wonder though....was he always
> this way or was he damaged in um, some other way. I'll to have to ask Ned
> Wynn about it since I believe he knew Willy at one point back there....
> Why don't we just add to the homepage of FFL that the main purpose of the
> group is to sling nastygrams at each other?  That anyone who joins has
> nothing better to do with his/her time (and karma) than to call others nasty
> names and characterize them in the worse possible way?
> Does anyone here have a concept of this thing called karma?  Now I am
> characterized as being a hateful, deranged individual, yet I try whenever
> possible to avoid conflict unless really pushed.  But all of these people
> here who are holier than I am somehow don't get Matt. 7:1.  Yet they tell
> each other how much more evolved they are than the others here.
> In typical FFL fashion, a person who posted here that he wasn't happy with
> me couldn't take my reply that that's life and my feelings weren't hurt as
> an end of our exchange.  He had to use a private email to tear me a new
> asshole and tell me that I'd have to suffer living in my hate for the rest
> of my life.  Gosh.  I wasn't even told such things at Our Lady of The
> Inquisition Catholic School when I was growing up.  I replied back that I'm
> not suffering.  Life's a ball and it's getting better day by day.  I pointed
> out that the motive behind his email was *to vent his hate towards me*.  I'm
> sure he didn't get it, as he can only see people one way:  fitting into his
> expectations or not.  Yeah, that shows how far along on the path he is.
> I forgave him.  That's how hateful I was toward him.
> Would there actually be anything to post here if the main purpose of posting
> wasn't to engage in the Eric Berne game Now I've Got You, You Son of a
> Bitch?
See, "I am the eternal" (man, why didn't you just go all the way and call 
yourself GOD) the thing is, WillyTex really IS nuts. This is not just my 
opinion, by the way.

Let's ask Judy. Judy...want to speak up on the state of Willy Tex's mental 

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