> Trying to dialog with him is useless... 
L.Shaddai wrote: 
> Why don't we just add to the homepage 
> of FFL that the main purpose of the
> group is to sling nastygrams at each 
> other?  
Is this your "nastygrams" contribution? 

> That anyone who joins has nothing better 
> to do with his/her time (and karma) than 
> to call others nasty names and 
> characterize them in the worse possible 
> way?
You fukin' idiot - I didn't give them the 
name "geezerfreak" and "boo"! I guess they
are too embarrassed to reveal their real 
names - I don't blame them - I'd hide too.

But I'm sure the TMO knows who they are,
since their names aren't on the list. I
guess they don't have a dome badge anymore
- I wouldn't be surprised if they were
banned from the MUM campus.

>From what I've heard, these two informants 
don't even get TMO mailouts anymore. When
I asked about them at the TM Center, they
said they never even heard of them.

> Does anyone here have a concept of this 
> thing called karma?  Now I am 
> characterized as being a hateful, 
> deranged individual, yet I try whenever 
> possible to avoid conflict unless really 
> pushed. But all of these people here who 
> are holier than I am somehow don't get 
> Matt. 7:1. Yet they tell each other how 
> much more evolved they are than the 
> others here.
> In typical FFL fashion, a person who 
> posted here that he wasn't happy with 
> me couldn't take my reply that that's 
> life and my feelings weren't hurt as an 
> end of our exchange. 
> He had to use a private email to tear me 
> a new asshole and tell me that I'd have
> to suffer living in my hate for the rest 
> of my life. 
> Gosh. I wasn't even told such things at 
> Our Lady of The Inquisition Catholic 
> School when I was growing up. I replied 
> back that I'm not suffering. Life's a 
> ball and it's getting better day by day. 
> I pointed out that the motive behind his 
> email was *to vent his hate towards me*. 
> I'm sure he didn't get it, as he can 
> only see people one way: fitting into 
> his expectations or not. Yeah, that 
> shows how far along on the path he is.
> I forgave him. That's how hateful I was 
> toward him.
> Would there actually be anything to post 
> here if the main purpose of posting
> wasn't to engage in the Eric Berne game 
> Now I've Got You, You Son of a Bitch?
Very impressive, Mr. Shaddai!

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