--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "geezerfreak" <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> See, "I am the eternal" (man, why didn't you just go
> all the way and call yourself GOD) the thing is,
> WillyTex really IS nuts. This is not just my opinion,
> by the way.
> Let's ask Judy. Judy...want to speak up on the state
> of Willy Tex's mental health?

He's pretty strange, but I don't think his penchnt
for entertaining himself by trolling and putting
people on qualifies him as mentally ill. It's quite
clear to those of us who've observed his behavior for
many years that he doesn't actually believe his own
nonsense; he just gets off on freaking folks out who
take him seriously.

He rationalizes this by thinking of himself as a kind
of "crazy wisdom" trickster, i.e., one who appears
crazy but is actually conveying a higher wisdom by
challenging people's attachment to mundane reality.

Whether he's successful at this or is just indulging
his own ego is another question entirely. Me, I
suspect he's subconsciously afraid he'll be rejected
as a serious person if he puts himself out there as
such, so he deliberately sabotages that possibility.

Which is actually a shame, because he *does* have a
lot of genuine knowledge and understanding to 
contribute. Every once in a while you'll see a bit
of it in his posts.

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