> > Of course should something eventually come out 
> > on TM that is reputable, worthwhile and new--sure 
> > I'd love to hear it. I'm just not holding my 
> > breath on that one. The same old relaxation 
> > response findings just aren't that exciting for 
> > those of us interested in higher states of 
> > consciousness.
> > 
TurquoiseB wrote:
> An interesting parallel to the thousands who,
> unlike some who found Maharishi's talks brilliant
> and incisive, moved on to some other teacher who
> didn't recycle the same mind-pablum ad absurdum.
"The more you give, the more people we can help." 
- Frederick Lenz

> Interestingly enough, the ones who never tired
> of Maharishi saying the same old things are the
> ones who still claim to find the "TM science" 
> believable. 
> It's just like kids, in a way. Some like to hear
> the same old bedtime stories read to them over 
> and over and over. Others edit the same old 
> stories and try to find new ways to tell them 
> and new ways to sell them and think of that as 
> being "creative." Yet others grow up to write 
> their own stories. Call me silly, but I'm going 
> to reserve the word "creative" for those who 
> actually create something new.

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