 From: wle...@aol.com
Reply-to: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
To:  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 5/5/2009 9:41:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the  GOP

 From: no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  5/5/2009 7:09:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Ron Paul Revolution  Sweeping the GOP

May 5, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

With each  passing day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of 
Federal  Reserve transparency and sound money.

More and more Congressmen have  been signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit the Fed 
bill, HR 1207, and it is now up  to a whopping 124 cosponsors. 

That cosponsor list now includes over  half of the House Republican Caucus. 
 Dr. Paul is  truly leading the GOP back to its roots of sound money and 
fiscal  conservatism.

In fact, The Washington Independent’s David  Weigel just wrote an important 
article about how Ron Paul’s message  is resonating with Republican 
lawmakers.  All I can say is,  "It's about time!" 
_Click  here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning 
GOP  Converts”_ 

And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal Reserve transparency to 
people across America by _grilling  Ben Bernanke on national television_ 
286178279D4827F) .


Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining  steam.  He even 
tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency  on everything except 
monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function! 

It  is clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately we  
will see it through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on  our laurels.

Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not  already 
cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_ 
 ).  Circulate m
ore petitions and Audit the Fed  literature to your friends and neighbors to 
recruit them to this winning  effort.

Thank you for all you have done and all you will  do.  With your continued 
support, Ron Paul and Campaign for  Liberty will return the GOP to its 
conservative roots, and America back to  its founding principles.

In Liberty,

John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of thin  
air.  Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work  we do.  
_Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_ 
To unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails, _click  here_ 
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You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For more information, 
_click  here_ 


Remember Mom this Mother's Day! _Find  a florist near you  now_ 
(http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=florist&ncid=emlcntusyelp00000006) .

**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

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