sparaig wrote:
> Do you have reason to take the 
> word of one public servant over 
> another, given neither is under 
> oath?
Well, I can't imagine a professional
public servant employee of the CIA
lying to congressional leaders, in 
an Intelligence Committee briefing, 
but I can imagine a politician like 
Nancy Pelosi lying every single day 
in a press conference on TV. 

Nancy Pelosi is up for re-election
soon, right?

So, I would probably believe Leon
Panetta, the CIA and the others 
members of the Intelligence 
Committee that were briefed.
> Besides, I can imagine plenty of 
> scenarios where there's enough 
> wiggle room around the facts for 
> both sides to cliam they're 
> telling the whole truth and 
> nothing but the truth.
"CIA officers briefed truthfully on 
the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah," 
Mr. Panetta wrote in a memo to agency 

Full story:

'Panetta's Pelosi Smackdown'
Wall Street Journal, MAY 16, 2009

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