On May 16, 2009, at 5:52 PM, do.rflex wrote:

On my TTC at Estes Park (1970) there was a group of prospective TM teachers who had adopted the so-called 'Mucousless Diet'. And at one of Maharishi's lectures they were recommending it to Maharishi as an effective healthy alternative.

As I recall, at mealtimes these people would only eat uncooked vegetables and fruits. In my view they appeared to have pasty skin, low hanging bottom eye-lids and looked like they were dying of something.

Anyway, I recall Maharishi answering this one enthusiastic proponent and chuckling, "What! ...no rice and bread and butter?"

Here in the States that's being marketed
as a raw-foods diet, with its proponents
making it sound like it's something brand-
new.  I think it sounds not only incredibly
boring and tasteless, but not really all
that healthy either.


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