Vaj wrote: 
> Perhaps being lied to and told they are 
> "meaningless" blocks this awakening?
Bija mantras used in TM are not "meaningless" 
- everything on the planet has meaning. But TM 
bija mantras have no semantic meaning - none 
can be found in a standard Sanskrit lexicon. 

Bija mantras aren't words with any semantic
meaning - they are natural sounds found in 
nature that were adopted by the Siddhas as 
thought tools for yoga.

In Sanskrit, the word mantra comes from 'man' 
- to think, and 'tra' a tool. Thus, bija 
mantras are 'tools for thinking'.

TM Meditation is based on thinking, it is not 
based on concepts or metaphysical speculation.
There are no deities to be imagined or secret
nicknames to be spouted out. It's just simple
thinking and the awareness of being aware.

42. Visualize a letter, let yourself be filled 
by its radiance. With open awareness, enter 
first the sonority of the letter, then a 
subtler and subtler sensation. When the letter 
dissolves into space, be free. 


Vijñânabhairava Tantra:

Other titles of interest:

'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones'
By Paul Reps 
Tuttle, 1957  

'Vijnana Bhairava'
The Manual for Self Realization
By Swami Lakshmanjoo

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