Given her latest post, and the nature of it,
Raunchy is going to think that this is a Turq
cafe rant about her, or even an attack on her 
personally. So will Edg, because I'm going to
mention him specifically. But I don't think
it is. It's a rant about ( attack
on) a *style of writing* that is very, very
common in our era, and in spiritual circles,
where logically it shouldn't be.

As an example of the kind of writing I'm talk-
ing about (sorry in advance, Edg and Raunchy,
but you two are the prime creators of this
style of writing here, and so you spring to
mind), think about Edg's rants when he gets 
all jizzed up emotionally about poor, abused
women in strip clubs being predated upon by
icky men. Think about how wound up he gets
when he's ranting about kids dying of hunger
or people victimized by the TM movement. Now
think about how emotionally jizzed up Raunchy
gets when she talks about sexism.

And NOW think about how both of them react
when no one reacts the way they expect them
to to such rants.

They get angry and disappointed.

So WHY? What is *going on here* in this style
of writing? What is its *intent*? Because it
clearly *has* one, or the writers would not
act so hurt and disappointed when the readers
don't react as they expected them to.'s my theory: Such writing is an attempt

It's an attempt to *shift the state of attention*
of the reader, and force them to share the writer's
state of attention. 

And, while this is admirable if the writer is in
a *good* state of attention, it's less admirable
when they aren't. The *intent* of such writing
then becomes, " this. I want to bring
you down to where I am, and I am not above using
emotionally-manipulative language to do so."

The biggest "offenders" when it comes to this kind
of writing IMO, at least in the spiritual commun-
ity, are those who have come to believe that over-
whelming and overshadowing emotion *IS* a spiritual
experience. They get all angry over the poor, abused
strippers and interpret that as *righteous* anger,
and thus spiritual. And they want to share it. Or
they get angry (or weepy) about sexism and again,
interpret this overwhelming emotion they feel as
some kind of "high" or "spiritual" experience, and
again, they want to share it.

But the thing such writers don't seem to understand
is that some of us don't view overwhelming emotion
as a Good Thing. To us it's an indication that 
something is *out of balance* in the person who is
not only in the throes of this overwhelming emotion,
but wanting desperately to "share" it, to suck others
into his or her current state of attention. They not
only see nothing wrong with that current state of
attention, they think its a Good Thing *because*
it's so powerful and overwhelming for them, and they
feel this need to "evangelize" the overwhelming 
emotion and the state of attention, and suck others 
into it.

Some of us "others" don't see it as a Good Thing.

We see overwhelming and overshadowing emotion -- and
those who are trying to sell it via emotionally-
manipulative writing -- as Not A Good Thing, because
it's inviting people to drop into lower states of
attention that have (in the long run, no matter how
much of a cheap high the emotion is for a while)
negative karma. 

And so we *don't* react as they expect us to. We
*don't* get as weepy or angry as they are. We *don't*
play "pile on" and jump on the emotional bandwagon.

And the writers don't understand this. They get all
hurt and offended, as if by *not* joining them in
their state of attention we were rejecting *them*.

We're not. We're rejecting their current overshadowed
state of attention, which we know is *NOT* them. We
are trying not to "feed" or encourage the overwhelm-
ing state of attention by "piling on" to rants about
it, and we're *damned sure* not going to encourage
such overshadowed states of attention by wearing 
them ourselves. We'll just ignore the rant, thank you.
We'll ignore the *intent* to suck us into that state 
of attention, and wait for the writer to come back to
some kind of balance.

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