Ooops! Hit a nerve. It only hurts for a little while. Get over it.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Just for fun...
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Looks to me that Turq is showing us a true bottom 
> > > line for his personality: inability to deal with 
> > > emotions.
> > 
> > Today I told Turq he was an emotional eunuch devoid of 
> > compassion and he didn't seem to mind. 
> Why should I?
> I mean, really, why?
> I've never met you, and I almost certainly 
> never will. I don't particularly respect
> your perceptual abilities or your ability
> to see the world clearly. So WHY should 
> I give a flying fuck what you think about
> me or say about me?
> I know what I am with regard to emotion, 
> and so do readers here who manage to read
> what I write without filtering it through
> grudge-colored glasses. 
> So there is really no need to mind, or need
> to reply. Is there?
> > When I read your posts, which are usually WAY too long 
> > form most readers, I read them. Your words draw me in, 
> > resonating with my inner poet, beckoning an nuanced 
> > understanding, a dance, a play of twists and turns in 
> > the movement of your thoughts and feelings. It's my 
> > kind of sex. 
> The mind boggles. Reading Edg as being like 
> good sex. :-)
> But some people like whacking off while watch-
> ing soap operas, too, so whatever floats 
> your boat, dear.
> > Turq on the other hand, (his own hand mostly) writes 
> > like he fucks: cold, quick and cruel. 
> As if you would know, or ever be likely to. :-)
> Despite what Edg says about me, I have higher
> standards than that.
> And when someone does meet my standards, quick
> just ain't gonna do it.
> It's my experience that people who talk about
> how much they love long, drawn-out sex are
> doing so from memory. They are mistaking how
> long it's been since they had sex for how long
> they spent doing it.  :-)
> But, just to show that I don't dislike you, here
> is a quote you can use in your next feminist
> diatribe. It's by that great cold, quick and
> cruel writer Dave Barry:
> "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball 
> and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save 
> the infant's life without even considering if there 
> is a man on base."

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