> Robert, If you are going to trash Bill Clinton, get your facts straight and 
> find out what REALLY happened in South Carolina, learn the whole story in 
> context and don't believe or consume all the media sound bites, spoon fed to 
> you during the primary. The media jumped on Bill's Jessie Jackson comment 
> TOTALLY out of context to make him look like he was race baiting when in fact 
> it was the reporter baiting Bill. Anyway, the media took Bill's comments 
> wildly out of context on Jackson having won S.C. twice and it blew up 
> Hillary's campaign in S.C.  
> Furthermore, even Jessie Jackson said that he was not offended by anything 
> that Bill said about him. 
> http://tinyurl.com/qo7wml

I don't think that Jesse Jackson was in his right mind at the time...very 
jealous man...wanted to castrate Barack Obama, in another comment he 
made...sick man!

I am not trashing Bill Clinton...he trashed himself...
He helped George W.Bush get elected in 2000, with sexual addiction...

Hillary Clinton would not be in the position she is in without Bill...
She stuck with Bill through all his many, many adulterous affairs...
And he tried to make amends with her, by working hard to destroy Barack Obama, 
in the Primary, along with the rest of the Lesbians...
And it didn't work...

Bill, also caved to the Republicans in many of his decisions as President, and 
much of the over-heated economy and the security swap trading was all 
instituted when he was President...

He is pretty much an ego maniac, and his freaking out, that they were going to 
lose, started in South Carolina, when they lost the Black vote...
Remember they lost the Black vote?
Remember Obama won in Iowa...

It was time to move on...
Far away from the Clinton Soap Opera...

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