--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> Boy I'm so glad I found out what a women-hater Obama
> was! I knew he had to be hidin' sometin. And here I
> thought he was married to someone who's an archetype
> for empowered women...silly me!

Silly you indeed. Very few of McEwen's examples are of
anything *Obama* said. They're from the media and blogs
and his surrogates.

As I said before, he didn't instigate most of the trash-
talking. But he didn't do anything to squash it, and
from time to time he even encouraged it.

He doesn't hate women; he's just an opportunist.

 RD and Judy: don't  
> forget to hide your guns where Obama's negro army won't find them!  
> They's a comin' for uze guns!

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