--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On May 24, 2009, at 10:35 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> > Hillary, bless her heart, has a long history as a died in the wool  
> > ideologue in the tradition of FDR and Truman
> Hillary is the ultimate opportunist--that's why she lost.
> Sal

Sal, brush up on your reading skills. Hillary has a long history as an 
ideologue, a person with core principles as a Democrat which is quite the 
opposite of an opportunist. 

If you care to respond, I'll help you make your case. Just to provide you with 
a little structure, these are questions you should ask yourself before you make 
anymore hair-brained pronouncements about Hillary: 

Why does Sal think Hillary is an opportunist? What does Sal know about Hillary 
that supports her argument that she is an opportunist? What is an opportunist? 

And here is the kicker, the most important question of all:
Why does Sal think being an opportunist has anything to do with Hillary's loss? 

As Judy would say, "Non sequitur." It doesn't matter whether you can prove or 
disprove Hillary is an opportunist, it has absolutely nothing to do with why 
she lost. Read a few posts on this thread from Raunchy and Judy and get 
informed about why we think Hillary lost. Hint: Sexism, Caucus fraud and the 
DNC rigging the delegate count.

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