--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On May 28, 2009, at 1:52 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > But would Raunchy agree? Let's say some writings
> > turn up in the archives saying that Sotomayor
> > is *not* firmly committed to upholding Roe v.
> > Wade. Would Raunchy still be as in favor of her
> > nomination as she was yesterday? Would she even
> > consider her a woman any more? Are women in
> > Raunchy's mind allowed to disagree with her and
> > her causes and still be considered women? I
> > think we've seen here on Fairfield Life that
> > they are not; just look at how she has treated
> > Sal, and the names she has called her when she
> > agrees with one or more of the men here and
> > did not "toe the radical feminist line."
> Raunchy comes across to me as a very imbalanced person, driven by  
> destructive emotions. She doesn't seem mindful of her underlying  
> motivations. 

Vaj plays possum, you know, one of those beady-eyed North American marsupials 
that freezes in its tracks the moment it feels a shot of adrenaline coursing 
through its sinews. Too terrified to react, too stupid to live, it pretends to 
have no feelings. Like Vaj, it plays dead. Possums do mindlessness meditation, 
like Vaj. One day, ten Buddhist, one for each precept, met with Vaj who told 
them he had cognized an enhanced mindlessness meditation technique he learned 
from a possum. He gave them each a little cloth sack with a possum in it and 
invited them to join him for a satsang just north of Iowa City where they were 
to sit in the middle of I-80 and wait for an approaching truck to hit them the 
lot of them. Vaj must have been the most enlightened of the bunch because he 
never felt a thing as the truck flattened his little moodmaking-possum-playing 
body. His Buddhist friends were not as enlightened as Vaj. They ran like hell 
just in the nick of time and escaped a certain death. To this day the ten 
perceptual Buddhist worship Vaj's little stuffed possum shoes enshrined in 
their ashram in hopes of becoming as god-like an unfeeling possum as Vaj.
She blows the way of her emotions and her old-style  
> feminist agenda which she probably adopted early on. It's now become  
> a negative habit rather than anything constructive or helpful.  
> Strangely enough it's just these type of "knee-jerk feminists" that  
> probably do the least for the cause of women. They actually play  
> against it. It's a kind feminist McCarthyism that instead of  
> imagining a Communist behind every tree, imagines the most sexist and  
> disparaging elements in the most mundane stimuli. It's a POV  
> inherently colored with it's own bias, so much so that they cannot  
> see the world clearly. They cannot see things as they are.
> A recent hilarious comment was "I see Obama's pick for SCOTUS as an  
> opportunity for the Leftwing to step back and reflect on their  
> deplorable behavior toward Hillary and Palin and deal with some  
> cognitive dissonance and reconcile it with Obama's decision to pick a  
> Hispanic woman."
> Does any reasonable person actually believe people are still thinking  
> about some imagined deplorable behavior towards Hillary or Sarah  
> Palin? 
It seems to me that both of these people and their critics  
> have long since moved on. Yet RD (and others) still lie entrenched in  
> last years same old thought patterns. Why the tenacious clinging RD?  
> Maybe you should get checked. It ain't working.

Maybe you should check your possum, it ain't working.

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