--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj 

<vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On May 28, 2009, at 3:51 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> > I'm sure there will be many questions Sotomayor 
> > will answer. We still don't know much about her. 
> > I'm crossing my fingers that she at least 
> > supports Roe v. Wade. I can't imagine she would 
> > not.
> Uh, two words: Roman Catholic.
> Another for ya: excommunication.
> Yeah Raunch, she'll probably convert to 
> Universalist Unitarian any day now...

Love it. What fun!

Inna first place, if you're going to excommunicate
Catholics who don't categorically denounce abortion,
you'll have to excommunicate a majority of U.S. 
Catholics because they're pro-choice. Only 23 percent
of U.S. Catholics believe abortion should be illegal.
(Plus which, excommunication for being pro-choice is 
not "automatic" in practice, as some would have you

Inna second place, we don't yet know whether 
Sotomayor is a practicing Catholic and would 
therefore be concerned about the church's view of
abortion. We do have two good hints that she is not:
(1) she's divorced; and (2) the White House has said 
of her, "Judge Sotomayor was raised as a Catholic
and attends church for family celebrations and other 
important events." That's practically an admission
that she no longer takes her Catholicism very seriously.

Inna third place, judges are required to rule on the
basis of established law and the Constitution, 
regardless of their personal beliefs.

Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative Catholic, put
it this way in 2007:

"There is no such thing as a 'Catholic judge.' The 
bottom line is that the Catholic faith seems to me to 
have little effect on my work as a judge...Just as there 
is no 'Catholic' way to cook a hamburger, I am hard 
pressed to tell you of a single opinion of mine that 
would have come out differently if I were not Catholic."

Bottom line, that Sotomayor was raised as a Catholic
tells us precisely nothing about how she'd rule on
Roe v. Wade (if it ever came to that, which is
*extremely* unlikely).

Sorry, Vaj!

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