--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <willy...@...> 
> raunchydog wrote:
> > Barry seems to have forgotten that it 
> > was Shemp who wanted to discuss gay 
> > marriage from his anti-gay POV using 
> > the box turtle, and slippery slope 
> > arguments and that Shemp initiated the 
> > discussion with "What about that 
> > disgusting butt thing the guys do?" 
> >
> For the record, I am against it,  so I've 
> got to agree with BillyG and Shamep: it's 
> an immoral disgusting habit that should 
> be discouraged! I am opposed to most male 
> thrusting - it's usually serves no 
> purpose, and it's downright dangerous 
> during an epidemic. Just for the record, 
> and in my opinion.

They say there's 600 different species of bacteria that live in the human 
mouth.  French kissing is disgusting too, but I bet you've done it, and will 
willingly involve Willy with such again -- willy nilly, eh?

There's folks who actually eat shit hot out of the chute, and they're not dying 
from it.  The stomach acids etc. are pretty good at disinfecting anything, and, 
the normal human has an array of defenses should any bacteria get into the 
blood stream.  And, hey, all dogs eat cat shit, right?  Protein in them thar 

They say most farm boys have stuck their prongs into sheep etc.  Seems to me 
that they're likely to be hetero for the most part, yet, these guys are not 
especially singled out for their germy-sex the way homosexuals are, because, 
why? don't know -- probably cuz most farm boys "grow out of it, but homosexuals 
don't."  Something like that.  The farm boys have "eventual deniability" as 
their trump card. They're made fun of when we attend to the concept 
"hillbillies in the movie Deliverance," but that's about it.  There's not much 
hype in the media about it, yet there's an obvious -- if approximate -- 
equivocation of animal-&-human sex to human-anal-sex in terms of disease risks. 

Thus, the "immoral disgusting" label turns out to be a political not a 
science-based argument. 

The funny part is that hetero anal-sex with women is a huge dynamic in the porn 
industry.  Apparently hetero men just gots ta hav it.  Yet, Willy, we hear 
nothing from you about this practice being exactly the same as a homosexual 
anal encounter.

Me? I likes my sex to be out-of-the-shower clean.  I think any thinking man 
would opt for that and assert that women should smell like themselves instead 
of the thin layer of surface bacteria that grows in their tropic zones.  The 
trite metaphor of the teen boy smelling his finger after having stuck it in a 
vagina and being, oddly, impressed that it still "stinks" long after the sex 
act is damned goofy, since he's not smelling her, he's smelling bacteria that 
lived on her skin. Her vagina is, typically, quite germ free, and the odors 
that emanate from her vaginal juices are not off-putting -- real women taste 
good!  Anal sex's immoral only if we say that exposing one's immune system to 
challenge is immoral....but then we get into the issues of "immoral" smokers, 
drinkers, etc. who harm themselves far more deeply.

I would suspect that homosexuals go to great lengths to be as anally clean and 
"empty" as possible.  Don't know.  If not, then I suppose some of them are able 
to "positively interpret" the odors of fecal material into the same "badges of 
honor" via the same psychological method that boys with stink fingers use.

Oh, it takes all kinds in this world, eh?



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