> > Listen, Moron, I am opposed to most male
> > thrusting - it serves no useful purposes 
> > and it is disgusting and dangerous... 
> >
> I don't get WillyTex. Are you saying that men 
> or just gay men should not thrust when they 
> have sex?  How much fun is that?
Why would a real woman need a male thrusting? 
That's the question I guess. Maybe some women
like to live dangerously, I don't know. Shere
Hite said in her report that over 85% of women
don't reach orgasm with male thrusting. I mean,
what is it with all the trusting? Is it true 
that most women just feel sorry for the man
doing the thrusting and want to build up his
ego. How much fun is that?

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