raunchydog wrote:
> If you want to see what an incredible 
> variety of female sexual appetites 
> there are, check out the Vagina 
> Monologues created by Eve Ensler who 
> interviewed 200 women and helped 
> empower womens' sexuality by letting 
> them talk about their Vagina. 
The majority of women interviewed by 
Shere Hite said that the best part of 
love-making was the 'cuddling', not the 
thrusting. But the question is, why do
women think they need the thrusting, if
they don't have an orgasm? I mean, they
could just get themselves off anytime
they wanted to and avoid a big mess.

Naturally, men don't want to talk about
this, it's too much of a threat to their
ego since their universe revolves around
their penile member, as you can see from
the comments posted here. LOL!

Thanks for the information. It was
interesting hearing the women describe
how they could fake their own orgasm.
But, why would a woman need a man 
thrusting in order to fake it? 

As a charitable performance, two women 
demonstrate the various types of orgasm:

'The Vagina Monologues - The Moans'

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