From: [] 
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 10:10 AM
Subject: Predictions for Second half of 2009 are 

Dear clients and friends of Astrological Varieties,
I have just posted predictions for the second half of 2009. Go  to  
Astrological <>  Varieties. 
As many of you know we live at a time of great transition from what humanity 
has been experiencing over the last 10,000 years.
New energy is available over the next 13 years to change the vibrational 
frequencies in each cell of our bodies in order to support a different way of 
living that is much easier.
Because of the continued lack of interest in holistic healthcare by the 
government and AMA, the collective stress continues to build and the habits and 
ways of living life continue down a road that is not productive for the full 
development of the human nervous system.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and many have asked me about 2012. 
The energy to make the quantum leap in 2012 starts now as the new Moon in 
Cancer today is being influenced by a conjunction (Merging) of energy created 
by Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. 
As long as meditation and other spiritual and religious techniques of 
purification are not used to sweep away the left over debris of negativity 
caused by this new energy coming in it will create stressful situations that 
remind us that violence in all of its forms is not going away.
Therefore, I will continue to recommend that everyone participate in Yoga, 
meditation, prayer or anything that can reconnect us to our inner being of 
simplicity. Simplify your mind and get plenty of exercise. Sun light on the 
face is also very important. 
Wishing everyone a happy summer of 2009. I will be busy working on my new book 
“Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadian’s” to be available September 12th  on my 
online store via e-book so you can read it while I am shopping for a publisher.
Love and Light,
Lou Valentino
Namaste   <>   

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