On Jun 26, 2009, at 7:44 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

I'm going to say what I said about Chopra after he did his piece on Maharishi immediately after he died last year.

Recall that Chopra revealed private stuff about Maharishi's sickness at a time when Chopra was actually his formal physician (about 20 years ago). And death does not sever the patient/doctor confidentiality yet here was Chopra -- without consent from Maharishi's estate -- revealing personal medical info about Maharishi.

I am convinced if someone wanted to pursue it, they could have successfully lodged a formal complaint against Chopra for violating that confidentiality.

I don't know if it's the same case here but Chopra is quite quick off the starting block to share intimate stuff about Jackson...and if Chopra was in any official capacity a counsellor, doctor or adviser to Jackson he very well may be violating that same confidentiality again by some of the stuff he writes in this article.

I didn't see anything that looked confidence-violating
in what he  wrote.  Looked pretty much like just
reflections to me.

I take it you're not a big Chopra fan, shemp.


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