Alex Stanley wrote: 
> I'm not afraid to run hot; I spent years 
> running hot on Usenet newsgroups. It's 
> just no longer the space I'm in. 
It's true - Alex used to run hot on Usenet, 
but I guess he's still living in Fairfield. 

Go figure.
"The Capital of the AofE in Fairfield is still 
up to its blacklisting and strong-arm tactics 
with respect to folks involved with other 
Indians, most notably with those involved with 
Pundit Ravi Shankar (who teaches Sudarshan 
Kria, a breathing exercise.) However, it is my 
observation that many people no longer give a 
shit what the Capital says or does. 

The Movement's cultish, fear-based authority is 
losing its effectiveness, which in my opinion is 
a good thing."

Read more: 

From: John A. Stanley
Subject: Re: Why Meditate?
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: May 6, 1994

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